It involves various gum treatments such as Scaling (Cleaning of Teeth), Deep Cleaning, Gingival Flap Surgery, Gingivectomy and Bone Grafting.
The procedure through which the dentist uses an ultrasonic scaler to remove the plaque, tartar & food particles from the tooth surface and the surface of restorations is known as Scaling/cleaning of teeth. Yellow /brown/blackish hard deposits between gums and teeth are known as Tartar/ Calculus.
Excessive deposition of tartar over a longer duration of time leads to the mobility of teeth and unhealthy gums. External stains on the teeth which cannot be removed by simple brushing can be removed by scaling and polishing. Smoking, tobacco, tea & coffee intake etc causes the external stains on the teeth. Sometimes even if a person does not have these habits still the stains are observed, that is because of few chromogenic bacteria present in the saliva which causes these stains.
Scaling is done by ultrasonic machine which does not cause any harm or scratches on the natural tooth structure. No need of local anaesthesia for this procedure as this is a virtually painless procedure.
It is a type of gum procedure known as Gingival flap surgery. The gums are separated from the teeth and folded back provisionally. This lets a dentist to reach the root of the tooth and the bone. During this time, the dentist cleans the deposited tartar and hard set calculus.
The procedure to trim abnormally enlarged gums (gingiva) is known as Gingivectomy. This procedure is normally done by a periodontist (Gum specialist). To achieve a more aesthetic appearance and/or functional contour, Gingivectomy is also done. Gingivectomies are frequently performed using LASERS to cauterize away the unwanted gum tissue without pain and bleeding.
First of all scaling (superficial cleaning) is performed with an Ultrasonic scaler. In the next sitting, local anaesthesia is administered by the periodontist to the infected gum area. Diseased gum tissue is removed by making a small incision in the gum, and then the remaining tissue is reshaped. Lasers can be used here very effectively. Under laser treatment, one might not require local anaesthesia. At the end of the procedure, a putty-like substance (periodontal pack) is placed over the area to protect the gums during the healing process.
Gums might sometimes get unwantedly enlarged either due to tartar deposition because of poor oral hygiene or because of the side effects of certain medicines if it is used for a longer time. This leads to swelling in the gums due to increased blood supply (Inflammation) which manifests as bleeding gums. Gums appear red & spongy. These enlarged gum tissue might harbour lot of bacteria in it which ultimately might loosen your teeth. Enlarged gums looks unaesthetic (ugly), making your smile unpleasant.
Bone grafting is a medical procedure wherein a part of the missing bone is replaced by another bone or material known as bone graft. Through this surgical procedure, the graft replaces the missing portion of the bone and also helps in the regrowth of the bone. The existing bone and the grafts fuse, after a period of a few months.
Bone grafts are usually used when the bone is missing which can happen mainly due to periodontal disease (pocket formation), accident, trauma, tumour removal or it can be congenital in nature. Bone grafts are also used with dental implants.
Various types of Grafting Materials are available.
Graft that is taken from the person's own body.
Graft that is taken from a donor, usually deceased, and is procured from a bone bank. These grafts are commercially available.
Most expected and successful therapeutic outcomes are achieved with the use of it.
Grafts are made from synthetic raw materials like calcium phosphates or calcium sulphate.
Grafts procured from another species like bovine bones.