Child Dental Care Ahmedabad

Child Dental Care Ahmedabad

Why Pediatric Care Is Important For Your Child ?

In today’s everchanging world, there is a sea change in food habits too, children are continuously exposed to many food items which are not good their teeth, it is very difficult to restrict children from such type of food.
It is our priority to raise the awareness on Child Dental Care ,maintaining optimum oral hygiene & make children free from dental problems like- dental cavity ( decay ). Child Dental Care starts from the eruption of first tooth in the mouth , at that age child will not be able to do brushing or maintain oral hygiene, so it is duty of their parents to help their child with brushing.

Few Tips From Best Child Dental Care Centre In Ahmedabad

  • Brush 2 times a day (morning and night) with fluoride toothpaste to prevent cavities
  • Avoid sugary candies, chocolates, acidic drink,
  • Such type of Sticky foods ,are difficult to clean, leading to bacterial accumulation, that produce acid resulting in dental caries/cavity so make sure that they brush their teeth afterward.
  • Avoid munching in between meals
  • Don’t sweeten the pacifier – Parents sometimes dip pacifiers in honey. Do not do will increases chances of early childhood caries, nursing bottle caries.
  • Avoid bottle feeding with sweetened milk….

Healthy milk (deciduous) teeth are important to your child’s overall health. So, Child Dental Care is an important aspect of your child’s daily routine. Poor oral health can lead to infection, disease, cavities and many other teeth problems.

How fluoride work in preventing dental caries?

It prevents dental caries through both topical and systemic mechanisms via 3 processes: inhibiting tooth demineralization, enhancing remineralization, it hardens the enamel and make more resistant to dental decay.
We are here to provide all kind of pediatric dental treatments with advanced equipment and latest technology.
Various Pediatric Dental Treatment at Agrawal dental clinic in Ahmedabad under child dental care available are –

  • Let children help choose their own toothbrush. They can pick one that has a favorite color or character.
  • Pediatric Dental filling – In shallow cavities filling like Glass ionomer filling, composite resin filling can be done.
  • Pulpotomy – If cavity is deep enough near to pulp then, pulpotomy is done. It can be performed as a standalone treatment on baby ( milk) teeth and growing permanent teeth, or as the initial step in a full root canal treatment.
  • Pulpectomy – In case of deep dental caries or trauma,where the entire tooth pulp is affected, The pediatric dentist need to remove the entire pulp, cleanse the root canals, and then place a biocompatible material.In final step crown ( stainless steel, zirconia ) is placed on the tooth to add strength and provide support to remaining tooth structure.
  • Milk teeth Extractions – Milk ( baby ) teeth which are hopelessly decayed or traumatized beyond repair , mobile teeth near to exfoliation need to be extracted as a last resort , In our Agrawal multispecialty dental clinic , dental extractions are done in a painless, bloodless manner.